Bachelor Commerce & Marketing: The ICD Business School enriches its offer

For the start of the school year in September 2022, the ICD Business School is enriching its offer and now offers students the new Bachelor Commerce & Marketing, over the course of three years. 100% in French, this bachelor's degree represents three years rich in experience, meeting many professionals and carrying out real projects immersed in business issues.

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From the first year, while developing solid knowledge and skills in the field of business and marketing, you will take responsibility for projects to be carried out throughout the year. In the 3rd year, you will choose a specialization in line with your professional project and your possible work-study program: Business, marketing or entrepreneurship.


The selection is based on your personal files. An oral interview and a cover letter are also required for entry into the 1st year. For a return to the 2nd and 3rd year, the candidate will also be admitted on file and will have an interview on campus or online.


The course, taught on the campus of the ICD Business School Paris, alternates lectures, tutorials and practical work. Constancy, rigor and organization… The pace of this demanding course is quite fast. Class attendance determines the passage from one year to another and the validation of the diploma. Students benefit from pedagogical and methodological support.

And after ?

The student will obtain the Certified Title of Sales and Marketing Manager by validating 180 ECTS credits. This degree will give the opportunity to start a professional career and to apply to many offers sent to our graduates and members of the ICD Alumni network. And for those who wish to pursue longer studies, you have the possibility to continue your studies at ICD Business School with one of the specializations of the Grande Écoles Program delivering the Master's degree and the label EFMD Accredited or on our Master of Sciences programs labeled by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles or in another school.


The Commerce & Marketing Bachelor team and the ICD Business School’s teachers will be keen to support you individually in this adventure and bring you all their help to carry out your projects.

Would you like to join our Bachelor Commerce & Marketing? Contact our Parisian team without further delay!